Club Digest: March 24, 2019


Sumter Art Association

The Sumter Art Association met at 3:30 p.m. March 19 in the parish hall of the Church of the Holy Comforter. President Patti Sosnowski welcomed everyone to the annual business meeting of the association. Ginger Jones gave a devotion on God's mercy shown in times of suffering and injustice and our need to be merciful to others in return.

Recording secretary Andrena Ray read aloud the minutes from the Feb. 19 meeting. There were no additions or corrections, and the minutes were approved as read. Treasurer Susan Brabham reported the current balance. Corresponding secretary Vicki Goodwin reported an approval note for request in membership status was mailed. Attendance chairman Ginger Barwick reported that 40 members were present. There were no guests. Linda Hogon reported on numerous cultural events taking place during the upcoming month in Sumter and the surrounding area. Linda also reported on the newly established "Inspire" Festival to be held April 4-7. Jane Watson announced that a special concert to benefit "Feed My Starving Children" will be held April 2 at Mayesville Presbyterian Church. Yearbook chairman Carla Young reminded members to inform her of any changes needed in personal contact information.

Membership chairwoman Mary Gene White read nominations for two prospective members. Becky Pritchard, chairwoman of the nominating committee, presented the following slate of officers for the coming year: president, Carla Young; vice president, Patti Sosnowski; recording secretary, Ginger Barwick; corresponding secretary, Kathy Ardis; treasurer, Susan Brabham.

Sosnowski reminded everyone of the next meeting on April 16. She then adjourned the meeting and invited everyone to the refreshment table, thanking the hostess committee for their hospitality. Chairwoman was Vicki Goodwin. Nancy King served as co-chairwoman. Committee members were Caron DuRant, Jackie Gamble, Mary Glenn Givens, Josie Holler, Fran Kay, Melissa McLachlan, Sue Towery, Hazel Walker and Mary Gene White. The beautiful floral centerpiece was provided by Jackie Gamble.