National Weather Service extends flood warning

More than 13 inches of rain has fallen in readership area


The City of Sumter had received 13.92 inches of rain by 11 a.m. today with significant rainfall after that, according to the National Weather Service. The totals represent the entire storm event which began Friday.

Shaw Air Force Based topped that mark with 14.34 inches of rain while Manning had 13 inches.

Those marks will surely climb since the area has received significant rainfall this afternoon.

Meteorologist Chris Rohrbach said the area can expect another 1 to 2.5 inches of rain through Monday before skies should be clearing for Tuesday.

The NWS extended the flash flood warning to 4:30 a.m. Monday, but it has been extending it since first posting it at 4 a.m. Sunday.

Meanwhile, drivers continue to travel on roadways despite pleas by law enforcement, fire and rescue personnel to stay home if at all possible. Active rescues are going on, some door-to-door by boat and others because drivers didn't heed warnings.

The Sumter County Sheriff's Office has issued a mandatory curfew from 7 p.m. to 7 a.m.

Sumter Mayor Joseph McElveen has also announced the same curfew for the same time periods extending daily until the Sumter City Council revokes it.

The Sumter School District will be closed Monday.

People displaced by the flood can find food, water and a dry place to hang out and sleep at Sumter High School where the school cafeteria has been converted to an emergency shelter.
