Sumter Item will kick off 9th Summer of Caring


"Organized chaos" might be the best you can hope for when it comes to the condition of your family home.

When you have several people with different schedules and personalities, it's hard to maintain neatness. If all of the Lego pieces are confined to the table, if the mail is in a stack on the counter and all of the dirty dishes are in the sink, it can seem, at least, to be a neatly organized mess.

To walk in our offices at Sumter United Ministries, you will see much of the same: "Can we maintain a sense of order today as we are bombarded with calls and requests for help?" The sheer number of people dropping by to ask for help or calling with questions makes it strenuous to keep up with the pace. Recently, we have reached limits of interviews that we can physically conduct in one day, neither having time nor room for any more clients.

What does that mean about the emotional, spiritual and financial climate in our world? In my opinion, there is a sense of desperation. Resources and agencies that have provided extended relief since the beginning of the pandemic are no longer able to help. The Crisis Relief Ministry has become like the old school buddy that you know will always take your call.

We are glad to help, and that "help" looks different in every circumstance. Often, it includes financial assistance to avoid utility disconnections and evictions. It may be providing food, clothes, diapers and other essential goods. More than ever, that help looks like explaining processes that utility companies follow, informing of court procedures and deadlines and providing sound, reliable wisdom on how to approach adversity.

It cannot be emphasized enough how often people feel comforted by having us listen and explain, knowing we are truthful and have their best interests at heart. As God enables, we exist to be a light in the darkness, a voice of peace in the storm and a dependable source of compassion.

As this summer begins, we encourage everyone to be sensitive to the needs around us and find ways to share and help. If you contribute to the Summer of Caring campaign, Sumter United Ministries will continue to assist neighbors in need … neighbors that feel comforted in the chaos. Thank you!
