Club Digest, Sept. 25, 2024: Sumter Art Association


Sumter Art Association

President Karen Ingram welcomed 45 members to the first meeting of The Sumter Art Association for 2024-25, which was held at the Parish Hall of the Church of the Holy Comforter on Sept. 17. It was noted that The Art Association would soon celebrate its 100th anniversary, as the first 10 members gathered to meet in 1925.
Ingram recognized Marie Penn for the beautiful oil painting that she provided for the cover of the 2024-25 yearbook.
The new members were welcomed and introduced. They were Mary Byrd, Jackie Davis, Barbara Finley, Catharine Frerichs, Harriet Lowder, Nancy McCreight, Meg Player, Debbie Shelley, Hamilton Stoddard and Katherine Williams. Members passing away this year were Elizabeth Allen, Pat Fidler and Ann Shaw.
A poignant devotional was shared by Patti Sosnowski on "A Little Boy's Explanation of God."
Debbie Thomas reported on a number of cultural events currently available in the Sumter area.
Jackie Davis introduced Annie Rivers, the director of the Sumter Museum, who gave an informative history on "Where Sumter's Past and Future Meet." Pictures and sketches were provided to show the future expansion of the museum highlighting an emphasis on Sumter's unwavering commitment to support our military and its history, pointing to the spirit of uncommon patriotism that is shared by the Sumter community. This new structure will present an extensive collection of military memorabilia. Rivers also discussed the section of the museum that will be devoted to the art of Sumter sculptor Grainger McKoy. It will highlight his work from conception, through the process, to the completion of his amazing creations.
Following adjournment, members enjoyed refreshments provided by the hostess committee. The chairperson was Jeanette Price, and Ginger Jones served as co-chair. They were assisted by Kathy Ardis, Jeanne Ann Baldwin, Mary Byrd, Randa Edmunds, Nancy McCreight, Shirley Patterson, Jeanne Shaw and Susan Ward. Ginger Jones provided a beautiful ball centerpiece for the tea table.
